Sunday, May 3, 2009

This and that!

I don't blog enough, perhaps I am boring or feel I am with not much to share? Who knows but I am here again. Things are going well. It is CD 6 for me and I've decided not to try for the next few months. Why? Because summer is coming y'all. I first want to lose some weight and, second, enjoy the summer. For those of you who don't know, I will be on my back (or left side) for two-thirds of the pregnancy. Once 13 weeks hits, the bed is where I will be for just about 24 hours a day with the exception of doctor appointments,the shower and bathroom. This will be my life until 36 weeks. Sounds like fun huh? It would be Josh's last summer as an only child, if we are successful of course, so I want to spend it doing fun stuff and not throwing up all the time. Yeah, being of advanced maternal age (old) and all, time is of the essence but it gets friggin hot here in the summer, I'm talking triple digit heat, so waiting would put me in the cooler months as I get larger. Of course this is all hypothetical at this point as these ole eggs mine may not want to even be fertilized but I have faith. The little eggs that could will play their part and make me a mom again. I feel it. Later in the summer, I will see my RE for some fertility drugs or something- her idea.

Life on the homefront is cool. My little boy has stopped with most of the pranks. I gotta say though, some of his pranks are funny when they don't involve destruction. While hubby was sleeping the other day, Josh made it appear as if his dad was napping with his stuffed bunny. I really should have taken a picture of it cause it was pretty damn funny. We laughed so hard and I ended up with a stomach ache.

There are 7 more weeks of school left. Woot, woot! I am anxious for this school year to be over and while I know it only gets harder from here, I just need a break. Josh's class and another 1st grade class are performing the play "The Frog and Toad" this coming week. When I asked him today what the play was about, he told me "The frog loses a button and well, you'll have to just see the rest." He is my son. That is totally something I would say to him.

The workouts are coming along but I am desiring more so I may invest in Chalean Extreme as a Mother's Day gift to myself this year.

1 comment:

Bev said...

JO! You are not boring! I love hearing about what's up with you. :)

The stuffed bunny prank is hilarious! Next time, definitely get a picture!
