Monday, May 4, 2009

My Very Own Benson DuBois

Who? You are probably asking. So I am dating myself here but Benson was a butler on a late 70s/early 80s sitcom of the same name. It is also my new nickname for hubby. See, he is a bit obsessive compulsive about cleaning and everything being in its place, which is all good, of course. There are times he is over the top with his ish but hey, if it is one less thing for me to do, I'm down with it. When we got our first house, I remember walking downstairs to find him eye level with the kitchen counter, spray cleaner in one hand and paper towel in the other, looking for streaks on the tile. Ummm, that's too much for me but it makes him happy. LOL! He walks by picture frames and rearranges them at least twice a day; takes a cloth to his sneakers before wearing them each time and too many other things to list. Hubby also moves my belongings and puts them in places where he THINKS they belong. When he starts going overboard, I hum the theme song to Benson and he then hums the theme song to Sanford and Son. HAHAHA, gotta love him!


Bev said...

OMG, I loved Benson!!!! Love it! You cracked me up with the description of Greg at eye level with the counter... wow. I kind of wish Jim gave a poo about cleaning! Sanford & Son?! You guys are too funny. :)

Jo said...


He hums the theme to Sanford and Son because he claims I will have our place looking like Fred Sanford's junk yard if left up to me. LOL! Sooo not true. The numerous nicknames are funny, at least we think they are. LOL!