Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Way Back Wednesday!

Okay, so in my attempt to blog more, I am thinking some theme days should keep me rolling starting with ..."Way Back Wednesday"! This is when I post a picture from back in the day and talk about what was happening in the pic and/or my life. I saw it on another blog and decided to jack the idea.

So here is today's pic

This back in 1995, I believe. It was an absolutely fabulous time in my life. Exercise was an activity of daily living for me. My sisters, BIL, father and his wife's family all went to my dad's timeshare in the Poconos for the weekend. This was a time when my sisters and I were very, very close. We are no longer that way so while I love that pic, it saddens me too. This was taken after our first full day there. Earlier in the day, we went horseback riding. If you can't tell by the pic, BIL is big and muscular guy. He was actually over the weight limit to ride a horse but they went into the stable and pulled out this HUGE horse. When BIL mounted the horse, it stood still for a moment probably thinking... Oh HELL NO! WTF! That horse moved very slow, I mean veeeerrrry slow. LOL! We had a blast though. After we cleaned up, had dinner, we went to the rink where this pic was taken. I was the only one to skate other than my father's step grandchildren. Later, we sat up and talked for the rest of the night. Times like that I treasure. It was such a great time in my life, I was happy, healthy and my Mom was also healthy. Well, I'm off to tell my sisters I love 'em. Have a fabulous day, y'all!


Bev said...

Great picture, and I love hearing about the different times of your life. I *heart* "Way back Wednesdays!"

Look at your cute skates! I've never been brave enough to rollerskate... I'd end up in Intensive Care, for sure. :)

Jo said...

Thanks Bevy, Skating is really, really easy, trust me. I'll teach during your next trip to CA. You'll be skating like a pro in less than an hour. :-)