Tuesday, April 7, 2009

A New Focus!

Alright so this week I started working out again. I sooo need to get this body into shape again and have a renewed focus. Since getting pregnant has not come easy and is out of my control, I've decided to get back on the horse, so to speak. The whole euphoric feeling after the completion of a workout is one I have not experienced in a long while. My plan, at this moment, is Power 90 and Turbo Jam.

Right up there with my renewed committment to my physical health, I have decided to focus on my mental health as well. Who knew how thrilling it would be to get rid of some relationships that have been wearing me down over the years. There were two in particular and while I have known the both of them for the better part of my life, that does not necessarily mean we were "meant" to be friends or associates. As time passes, I am learning there are definitely seasons in relationships. During the time while in my "funk", I began to reflect on who is in my life and who really is not worth the energy. I'm making changes, man, making changes. :-)

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Wow, it has been a long time!

It has been quite a while since I updated this blog mainly because I have been busy and also I was not really much in the mood for anything. In bit of a funk, I guess. All is well, for the most part. This TTC is for the birds, no luck so far. I spoke to my RE two days ago and she wants to see me next month and we will go from there, I guess.

Josh is doing well overall. He has become a prankster of sorts over the past month and a half or so. The thing is, his pranks are only funny to him. His lastest "joke" or "trick" was to SPIT, YES, SPIT into the modem. God only knows what really possessed him to do that. I was wondering why I could not get a dial tone or access the internet. When I went to check the modem, there was the odor of something burnt in the room and there was my child covering his nose. And oh, he spit into the right and the left side of the modem. I was so pissed, I could not even talk to him. Later I explained to him that it is not funny when things are destroyed or if people get hurt. A few days ago, he wanted to put water on the floor so when Greg came home, he would slip and fall. Sigh!

Last week, he had his Spring Concert at school. It was cute. The first graders sang two songs "This Little Light of Mine" and another song which title escapes me. It was half Spanish and half English. He sang but spent some time trying to spot me in the audience but I am proud he participated and had fun.