Saturday, May 30, 2009

The Best Date I've Had in a Long Time

Last night Josh's school had a free concert for the students and parents. Erock for Kids performed childrens music ( Josh and I sat on our blanket on the lawn at the school, ate popcorn and later danced to the music. At one point, Josh leaned in, gave me a smile, told me he loved me, hugged and then kissed me. It's little moments like these that makes life so great. Sometimes we think our kids will be so happy with all the material things we can provide but they just want us, I think, at least at this age. LOL! We had a great evening!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Way Back Wednesday!

Hey all! It's Way Back Wednesday and I need to get my scanner connected so for now I am gonna use a pic on my computer. This was a pic of me and my Mom a party after my sister got married. It was nothing big, just a trip to the courthouse down the block, we actually walked there and back. My Mom did not make it to the courthouse but was there for the gathering at my sister and BIL's place. This was in 1992. We did not know, obviously, that 10 years later she would be in failing health and in the throes of dementia/Alzheimers. Sigh! This day we had such a fun time. We were teasing each other about something when this picture was taken. Her eyes are a bit glassy because she had a glass of wine. :-) She had such a great sense of humor but she was not one to be messed with or crossed! LOL!

She is still here on earth but just a bed ridden shell of a person. I miss her! She was funny, fabulous, honest, my friend and my mother. I miss ya ole gal!

Thursday, May 7, 2009

My Little Thespian- aka Dark Gable

Yesterday, two of the three first grade classes put on a performance of The Frog and Toad- The Lost Button and A Lesson in Bravery. Josh was in "The Lost Button". Granted he only had one lone line but he said his line magnificently. He played the role of a snake. His line was "It was ssssso hard to sssssee." Guess who lost his two front teeth the two days before the play. LOL! That being said, NO ONE can deliver a line like my boy! HA! Denzel who? hahaha

I get the Horrible Mommy of the Day Award. My excitement for him was so much that I failed to make sure the video camera was actually recording as he recited his line. Sigh, figures right?! He actually consoled me because I felt so awful about it.

Greg has given Josh nickname of "Dark Gable". :-) LOL! And without further adieu, here is Mr. Gable in all of his snake greatness.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Way Back Wednesday!

Okay, so in my attempt to blog more, I am thinking some theme days should keep me rolling starting with ..."Way Back Wednesday"! This is when I post a picture from back in the day and talk about what was happening in the pic and/or my life. I saw it on another blog and decided to jack the idea.

So here is today's pic

This back in 1995, I believe. It was an absolutely fabulous time in my life. Exercise was an activity of daily living for me. My sisters, BIL, father and his wife's family all went to my dad's timeshare in the Poconos for the weekend. This was a time when my sisters and I were very, very close. We are no longer that way so while I love that pic, it saddens me too. This was taken after our first full day there. Earlier in the day, we went horseback riding. If you can't tell by the pic, BIL is big and muscular guy. He was actually over the weight limit to ride a horse but they went into the stable and pulled out this HUGE horse. When BIL mounted the horse, it stood still for a moment probably thinking... Oh HELL NO! WTF! That horse moved very slow, I mean veeeerrrry slow. LOL! We had a blast though. After we cleaned up, had dinner, we went to the rink where this pic was taken. I was the only one to skate other than my father's step grandchildren. Later, we sat up and talked for the rest of the night. Times like that I treasure. It was such a great time in my life, I was happy, healthy and my Mom was also healthy. Well, I'm off to tell my sisters I love 'em. Have a fabulous day, y'all!

Monday, May 4, 2009

My Very Own Benson DuBois

Who? You are probably asking. So I am dating myself here but Benson was a butler on a late 70s/early 80s sitcom of the same name. It is also my new nickname for hubby. See, he is a bit obsessive compulsive about cleaning and everything being in its place, which is all good, of course. There are times he is over the top with his ish but hey, if it is one less thing for me to do, I'm down with it. When we got our first house, I remember walking downstairs to find him eye level with the kitchen counter, spray cleaner in one hand and paper towel in the other, looking for streaks on the tile. Ummm, that's too much for me but it makes him happy. LOL! He walks by picture frames and rearranges them at least twice a day; takes a cloth to his sneakers before wearing them each time and too many other things to list. Hubby also moves my belongings and puts them in places where he THINKS they belong. When he starts going overboard, I hum the theme song to Benson and he then hums the theme song to Sanford and Son. HAHAHA, gotta love him!

Sunday, May 3, 2009

This and that!

I don't blog enough, perhaps I am boring or feel I am with not much to share? Who knows but I am here again. Things are going well. It is CD 6 for me and I've decided not to try for the next few months. Why? Because summer is coming y'all. I first want to lose some weight and, second, enjoy the summer. For those of you who don't know, I will be on my back (or left side) for two-thirds of the pregnancy. Once 13 weeks hits, the bed is where I will be for just about 24 hours a day with the exception of doctor appointments,the shower and bathroom. This will be my life until 36 weeks. Sounds like fun huh? It would be Josh's last summer as an only child, if we are successful of course, so I want to spend it doing fun stuff and not throwing up all the time. Yeah, being of advanced maternal age (old) and all, time is of the essence but it gets friggin hot here in the summer, I'm talking triple digit heat, so waiting would put me in the cooler months as I get larger. Of course this is all hypothetical at this point as these ole eggs mine may not want to even be fertilized but I have faith. The little eggs that could will play their part and make me a mom again. I feel it. Later in the summer, I will see my RE for some fertility drugs or something- her idea.

Life on the homefront is cool. My little boy has stopped with most of the pranks. I gotta say though, some of his pranks are funny when they don't involve destruction. While hubby was sleeping the other day, Josh made it appear as if his dad was napping with his stuffed bunny. I really should have taken a picture of it cause it was pretty damn funny. We laughed so hard and I ended up with a stomach ache.

There are 7 more weeks of school left. Woot, woot! I am anxious for this school year to be over and while I know it only gets harder from here, I just need a break. Josh's class and another 1st grade class are performing the play "The Frog and Toad" this coming week. When I asked him today what the play was about, he told me "The frog loses a button and well, you'll have to just see the rest." He is my son. That is totally something I would say to him.

The workouts are coming along but I am desiring more so I may invest in Chalean Extreme as a Mother's Day gift to myself this year.