Thursday, March 27, 2008

DNI- Do not intubate


This is what my siblings and I have decided should my mother once again become unresponsive and CPR fails. What a decision to make as a daughter or son. I so wish circumstances were different but what can I do? God has His plan and I don't understand it. What I do know is I miss myself some Edna Mae - her laugh, her smile, her advice but most of all I miss our conversations and calling each other five plus times a day. If I could rewind time, I would go back and not take one moment with her for granted. If only I knew then what I know now... if only.

Our trip to the LA Zoo

For weeks now, Josh has been talking about animals, from the moment he wakes up until the time he goes to bed. It had been quite a while since we visited the Zoo. When I spelled out the word "zoo" , he told me he was not sure what it was but once he wrote it down, his eyes lit up and he was so excited to learn of our trip. The day was rather hot ( over 80 degrees) and it was crowded but overall an absolutely wonderful day. We had a blast. Josh asked so many questions and decided he would take the map and lead the way. He is getting so big and is so funny, not to mention smart. I will attach video and pictures soon.