Josh's school has an arts program and for each quarter the children will learn a different art or arts. The first quarter, they were taught yoga and dance. Yesterday, his class had a performance for the parents. He has come such a long way. In preschool and kindergarten, he would be the lone child just standing there not participating and looking at others like they were crazy. Yesterday, he actually volunteered when the yoga teacher asked who wanted to go on stage and show their warm up routine. Later, each child had to mimic an animal. My son was a frog. He was phenomenal, of course, and captured the essence of a frog. :-) I was one proud mama. The audience was then asked to join the children while they taught us different positions and stretches. Josh was so happy and continued to hug, kiss and thank me for coming. He brings tears to my eyes, in a good way. I am truly, truly blessed.
Now to find the cable to my video camera. Sigh! Once I find it, I will post the video.
3-6-9... 10 years later
5 years ago
What a sweetheart he is! You crack me up, Jo. "Captured the essence of a frog?!" LOL!!
Btw, Mala and I are planning another visit to Cali... Are you free next June? :) :) :)
Oh, and I forgot - YOU'RE TAGGED! (See my blog for the details)
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